Although the holiday break wasn't too much of a holiday, for me anyway, you begin to realise how much you need some time out just for you. I recently went away for a weekend where there was no contact with the outside world and no reception. That meant I couldn't check my instagram, facebook, emails, blogs or messages constantly throughout the day. It was just me and what I was doing in the present moment. At the beginning I was wondering if I'd miss something important or I needed to know something that I couldn't. As I relaxed I realised we all need that time out in life, where no one or nothing else matters but our pure happiness. We can sit back, silently and listen to what our heart and soul tells us and where it leads us to go. It might be happy and content with the present or it might be yearning for something greater and waiting for that little spark inside of us to bloom.
The New Year is always a time where resolutions are made to be kept or broken. A lot of the time these resolutions are exercise more, eat healthy, call friends that live far away, get a better job, make more money, but they are never so simple as be happy. This year I am going to make time to turn off all contact and enjoy life at its simplest from time to time. Go for walks along the ocean, hold hands with loved ones, enjoy the beauty of our surroundings and make other people happy. No matter what your resolutions are or where they are leading you stay true to you and what you want from life. Looking your best might be your goal for this year, but make sure you're doing it for you, to be a healthier version of you. Pin up mood boards and quotes to keep you on track and at the end of the day make sure you put your best foot forward.
Start with small realistic goals that consist of either weekly, monthly or even daily things that you can do to make yourself a better version of you for 2013. Don't think of what others resolutions are or what you think yours should be. Sometimes as humans we aren't made to be content and happy with ourselves as we have that inside instinct that pushes us to go further. But it is ok to take time out and be a little selfish and take pride in your own happiness and accomplishments. Find a job this year that will make you never work a day in your life because when you spend so much time at a place, why be there if it isn't making you a better and healthier person at the end of the day. I believe in the quote that if you smile to the world but the world will smile back at you. Smile as soon as you wake up and realise that 2013 is your oyster. I know, 2013 has already begun but I'm not a believer in changing overnight. It doesn't get to midnight New Years Eve and your suddenly a refreshed version of yourself, it takes time. And if you don't want anything to change for 2013, if you're truly satisfied now with everything you've got in life then simply don't change a thing at all.
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