Monday, June 14, 2010

From Control to Flow.......

This weekend I learned about going with the flow.... Like a beautiful summer dress that moves with your every move so should the very things that make our life worth living. So often we hang on tight believing that if we do, life will work out exactly the way we want it to!

Every woman knows the feeling of a pair of jeans that are too tight, a pair of shoes that just rubs the wrong way every time we wear them and that well put together outfit that doesn't seem to allow us the room to express who we really are! We also know the feeling that comes from a shoe that just fits, it's comfy and with every step we feel like we're walking on air, the caftan or flowing dresses, the layers or a soft leather jacket that feels like a perfectly fit that is what life should feel like!

There is a saying "We plan and God laughs" and how true that is! I have learnt that life will take us where it takes us....and sometimes that is a frightening experience. We have the essence of what we want to achieve but the details which we also want to control are somewhat uncontrollable. From the men we end up marrying to the people who end up meaning the most to us, to where we ultimately end up is a game of dreaming, planning and letting go. We must surrender to something greater that guides our lives and takes us on a journey which will be for the best.

Sure, we must exercise our better judgement because we will also be tested to see whether we are committed to our dreams so I am not advocating taking every opportunity that comes because some are simply tests to see whether we can make better choices...but I am saying that with the wisdom in our minds and the love in our hearts we move with the energy which flows through us. A gentle breeze that takes us to a better place than we could have ever imagined and controlled with our rational minds.

We think we know what and who will be the best for us and our future but what I learned this weekend is that by letting go of the hold on life we can be surprised by the person that is right in front of us and the perfectly imperfect life that unfolds.

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